Rike John

Individual Coaching

to help you create the Inner Sense of Love, Safety, Worthiness and Power that you desire

Coaching is an opportunity for you to have a dedicated space to be heard and supported on your journey.

Together, we dive deep into what holds you back from the life and love you want – and we take the steps to get you there!

Let’s face it.

Most of us have been through really difficult experiences with other people and with ourselves.
We haven’t felt safe in our bodies and relationships.

We didn’t receive the love and care that we desired and we’re now desperately looking for it – while also sabotaging it when it shows up.

Our conditioning, upbringing and experiences shaped the view we have of ourselves – what we’re worthy of, what we deserve, what’s possible for us.

Depending on what we’ve been through, we might not for feel worthy of…

+ Lasting, healthy relationships
+ Getting our needs met
+ Having our boundaries respected

It impacted how we view ourselves, our bodies, our role in our partnerships, and intimacy.

Our conditioning has taken us out of our inner sense of love, safety and belonging.

When our limiting beliefs shape our actions, we get a sense of powerlessness. Of “it is what it is.”

Parts of us suspect that we could feel happier, safer and full of joy.

But other parts don’t believe that this is possible for us.

This is where an inner ecology of love comes in.

We can create an inner state that is deeply loving, powerful, worthy and safe.

Because thankfully, we are love at our core. We are safety. We are worth. We are respect. We are power.

Our conditioning just convinced us otherwise. But it’s all there, patiently waiting to be accessed.

Connecting with these forces in ourselves changes everything.


That’s what I’m here to help you with.

I’ve seen over and over again that the biggest and darkest pain can be released,

once we meet it from a place of love and care.

The Coaching Process


Desire Mapping:
Where do you want to go?

We tune into your deepest desires, your wishes, your longings – for your life, your relationships to others, and the relationship to yourself.

And we define your goal for our work that will deeply excite you, as it represents the future you’re creating!

This goal is our North Star. This is where we’ll go together in our coaching journey. 


Parts Mapping:
What is currently in your way?

We identify the parts of you that don’t believe yet that your desires can be true for you. These can include fears, limiting beliefs, conditioning, and many flavors of shame, guilt, judgement, repression, unworthiness and doubts.

Instead of rejection and repressing them, we gently meet them through a caring process of making space, listening and understanding why they have developed.


Parts Integration:
Let's lovingly release the blockages

We work with each of these parts or beliefs. Through a specifically designed process, we help them to release what they’re carrying and connect back to the core of you.

We use the methods of Internal Family Systems combined with embodiment, meditation, breathwork, energy work, constellations and ritual. Each session is unique and customized for you to make your desires reality.

This Process Works on Two Levels:

Releasing limiting and fearful parts.

Allowing them to unburden and reconnect with your inner system in a loving way

Expanding your capacity to be in your Higher Self.

Creating your own inner safety, love and power, being your own anchor

I’d love to dive deep with you!

I've been there

I’ve had my fair share of experiences and messaging that left me feeling small, scared and unworthy.

When I started my self development journey in my late 20s I discovered the idea of boundaries. And that I was the one who wasn’t honoring my boundaries with others. As much as I wanted to blame others for it.

And only in my 30s I realized that I actually never felt fully safe – not in my body, not with my partners. No wonder I needed to keep control at all times.

I also believed that my worth came from giving to others, in all areas of life. That it was my job to take care of everyone else’s needs before my own.

Through doing the inner work:

  • I developed a huge amount of inner confidence, worthiness and power, helping me now to express my YES and NO with ease and clarity.
  • I found an embodied sense of safety in myself that helps me to relax and enjoy my interactions with others to a new level.
  • I learned to fully receive goodness, love and pleasure, and to feel worthy of a life of joy and fulfillment.

How We Work Together

I’m not a healer. I’m a spaceholder that helps you to heal yourself.

My job is to create a space for you that is so held, so loving and so safe that your inner system can open, integrate and flourish.

This is the way to create a sustainable, powerful shift in your inner system, in the way that you speak to yourself, and how you show up in your relationships.

My work combines a variety of tools to create a custom journey for you:

This is the core of the work. Through the method of IFS, we connect with your different inner voices, understand them, help them to release, and develop a healthy and mature inner system that is guided by your Higher Self, with the support of all your different inner voices.

Emotions and memories are stored in our bodies. By becoming aware of our bodies, moving and breathing, we get several levels deeper than the mind, allowing us to create lasting shifts on a nervous system level.

Meditation and mindfulness practices bring calm, presence and clarity to what’s going on inside. No previous meditation experience is required.

Using the power of space, constellation work allows us move through different perspectives as we move through the room, letting us get a deeper understanding of conflicts in a safe and efficient way.

Results my Clients Have Experienced

+ Celebrating their own bodies

+ Feeling more confident to express desires and boundaries in relationships, with family and at work

+ Feeling safe, excited and empowered to explore pleasure and intimacy

+ A huge inner sense of self-love, grounding and connection

+ Closure for painful relationships with parents or previous partners that impacted their current lives

+ Having more confidence to be their fully radiant Self

+ Releasing patterns and habits of sabotaging, blaming and criticizing themselves

+ Experiencing more lightness and joy with partners, friends and children

Coaching Packages

The Power of Self-Connection

Intro Journey

8 sessions of 90 minutes
2-3 months

Clearing blockages and creating a powerful baseline of compassion, love and safety inside of you.

7,900 AED | 1,990 EUR

Creating an Inner Ecology of Love

Deepdive Journey

15 sessions of 90 minutes
4-5 months

Integrating deeply rooted shadows and inner child parts for a flourishing inner ecology of love

12,900 AED | 3,220 EUR

What my Clients Say