Rike John

Relationship Coaching

to Deepen Your Connection and Rekindle Your Intimacy

Being in a relationship can be the greatest joy of our life. And it usually also triggers our deepest wounds.

Couples Coaching provides a dedicated space for you to explore how you can create the relationship that truly fulfills you both.

Relationships aren’t easy.

We often believe that with the “right” partner, everything will just flow.
We’ll totally get each other, we’ll feel deeply connected and always be attracted to each other.

And yet most of us meet really challenging roadblocks in our relationship journey.

  • We might feel like our partner doesn’t see and understand us. Or we don’t see and understand them.

  • We might have the same arguments over and over again without any solutions.

  • We might realize that our hopes and expectations aren’t met, and we don’t know what to do about it.

  • Maybe we hurt each other without wanting to, and can’t find a way forward.

  • Maybe we get so upset with each other that it’s hard to even have a conversation.

  • We might feel so disconnected that intimacy is the last thing on our minds.

  • Maybe the initial fire has worn off, and we’ve become really great roommates – but something is missing.

Let me assure you: All of this is normal. It’s coming up for a reason – and that’s the entry point for doing work together.

Relationships bring out our unmet childhood needs, our patterns, beliefs and stories about life.

When we feel upset with our partner or disconnected from them, it’s often a result of a deeper pain. Luckily, we don’t need to face this alone, but can learn to meet our inner world together with our partners – as allies. 

Relationships are an opportunity to learn about ourselves and each other, and to integrate and heal together. 


This makes relationships our greatest teachers

When we face our challenges and work together to release them,

we build a deep and lasting connection.

The Coaching Process


Desire Mapping:
What do you both want?

We get really clear about what you both want in this coaching process, as well as in the bigger picture of your relationship.

  • What is important to you?
  • What are your values?
  • Where do you want to go?

We crystallize your goal into a relationship vision that will serve as your North Star.


Foundational Connection Practices

We work with tailored practices to create foundational safety and connection even in challenging moments or fights. This is key to allow our nervous systems to co-regulate, and see our partner as our ally.

You will learn a variety of conscious communication tools as well as embodied connection practices that set you up for great honest talks on any topic, easeful repair after conflicts, and a way to always find back to love.


Diving Deeper Into Each Other

Depending on your goal and the blocks that we have found, we go into a healing process together.

This can include working with each other’s inner children, core wounds and relationship projections. Or we explore ways to deepen your intimacy through heart open conversation and conscious practices that allow you both to get your desires met.

This part is highly tailored to your situation – there is no one size fits all approach. We’ll select the ways that truly work for you.

Rike’s superpower in relationships comes from a blend of broad theoretical knowledge, deep experiential work and her natural and easeful innate wisdom in this area. This blends into a loving and yet very effective coaching process that allowed my partner and I to move through years of relationship deepening and growth in weeks. Our love has never been stronger.

N. & R.


We Work on Two Levels:

The conscious mind & our thoughts

We create awareness around your patterns and work on releasing them through creating a shared understanding of where they are coming from. In addition, you’ll get a range of communication tools.

The body & nervous system

Beyond talking, we bring in practices for profound connection, relaxation and safety in the felt sense in your bodies. This often calms the mind more than any discussion could.

I’d love to dive deep with you!

I’ve experienced conscious relationships at their best – and worst

I used to be so lost in navigating relationships. Being anxiously attached and clingy, while trying to hide it and pretending that I don’t need anyone. I seemed to never get what I was so desperately looking for. And played out a lot of my shadows with really kind men – giving to get, holding back what I was truly feeling, crossing my own boundaries.

It’s been revolutionary for me to become conscious of these patterns, and to have healthier and more mature ways to show up.

I learned how to fill my own cup, and how to ask for what I need from my partner as well.

I learned that their behavior has so much more to do with them than with me, and how to truly hold them in love and compassion.

I learned that relationship deep dives get to be fun and so incredibly liberating.

I truly believe that it’s a dual path of doing our own inner work, becoming more empowered, clear and authentic – as well as doing the work in relationships, healing and growing as we only can with someone else.

I’d be honored to take you on this journey, because there is nothing more beautiful and fulfilling than a thriving, loving relationship.

And I want this for everyone in the world!

How We Work Together

When we face challenges in our relationships, we often need two things:

1) A safe space and time to express and be heard
2) Tools and approaches to move forward

I’m here to provide both for you.

As a coach, I’m creating a space for both of you to be understood. When two people are struggling, we often need a third person to give additional capacity without any judgement. This unlocks blockages, allows for more spaciousness in your relationship, and lets the love flow more easefully.

And my goal is to empower you both to become conscious creators of your relationship, using the tools for connection, communication, healing and intimacy that I’ll share with you.

In my work, I’m bringing in my experiences with:

As a certified Love & Relationship Coach with the VITA™ Method (The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach by Layla Martin), I’m trained to take you on deep journeys using embodiment practices, parts work, shadow integration and constellations as well as communication and connection tools. It’s a trauma-informed, compassionate, gentle and yet powerful way to create meaningful shifts in your lives.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) by Marshall Rosenberg is a communication method that aims at creating understanding and reduce conflicts. It helps us to identify feelings and needs, make clear and actionable requests, and hold each other with empathy. 

Authentic Relating is an approach to foster connection, understanding and truthful expression between people. With different tools around noticing, expressing and listening, AR focuses on the present moment and helps to slow down any situation.

The key points that I’ve taken from my experience in Neo Tantra revolve around loving presence, working with energy, honoring the sacredness of the body and emotions, understanding the Feminine and Masculine principle in all of us, as well as seeing every experiences as an opportunity for depth and opening to the flow of life.

Results my Clients Have Experienced

+ Created fulfilling and exciting intimacy with more care, dedication and exploration

+ Brought lightness, connectedness and joy back into their relationship

+ Allowed themselves to slow down and truly feel each other

+ Held each other through deep healing processes and came out stronger and more connected on the other side

+ Gained a whole new understanding about their partner’s inner world, seeing why they act the way they do

+ Resolved long lasting conflicts and arguments

+ Learned how to communicate with love even when it’s hard

Coaching Packages

Connect in Love

Intro Journey

8 sessions of 90 minutes
2-3 months

Find back together and learn tools to deeply connect and understand each other

7,900 AED | 1,990 EUR

Evolve Together

Deepdive Journey

15 sessions of 90 minutes
4-5 months

Bring profound healing to both of you through doing the inner work together

12,900 AED | 3,220 EUR

What Previous Couples Have Said:

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