Rike John

Client Testimonials

Individual Clients

I’ve nurtured neglected parts of me, I’ve alchemized trauma, I’ve opened my heart wider as I have strengthened it over time. I couldn’t ask for a better coach to come into my life at this time. 

Being committed to self-development for much of my life, I have experienced many amazing therapists, coaches, and healing modalities – especially over the past two decades.

I can honestly say, Rike is one of the best. 

I love the combination she brings, of the structured, scientific and methodical approach to healing through modalities like IFS parts work and non-violent communication tactics, while she also brings the embodiment and psychosomatic elements into sessions that is trauma-informed. She does this with ease, and grace – that which only someone who has experience being in tantric spaces can bring. Nothing is off the table, everything is welcome – and each time, I am able to peel back layers because I trust her completely. 

I continue to go deeper. During my time being coached by Rike (and it’s still an on-going relationship), I have grounded more, I’ve learned more patience, I’m slowly softening into myself, loving parts of me that I wasn’t sure I could learn to love. And with that, everything changes. I’ve nurtured neglected parts of me, I’ve alchemized trauma, I’ve opened my heart wider as I have strengthened it over time. 

Her passion for her work means that she’s always leveling-up and introducing new modalities and elements that help you approach sessions in a new way. Her intuition is on point, her guidance is direct and kind, and I couldn’t ask for a better coach to come into my life at this time. I am ever so grateful to her.

Erika, Dubai

She was able to intuitively move with whatever was coming up for me, and guided me through some really challenging moments I was experiencing.

Rike is the most wonderful coach and space holder! I felt so supported by her and our weekly sessions were such a grounding, healing experience for me. She’s incredibly warm and loving, AND extremely professional and skilled at her work. I always felt so safe in her presence. She was able to intuitively move with whatever was coming up for me, and guided me through some really challenging moments I was experiencing. I felt lighter, clearer, more expansive and more about to support myself, after each session we had. Rike, I’m so grateful for you. Thank you!

Sabi, London

The framework of IFS combined with Rike’s unique energy and capacity makes working with her the most empowering self work I have ever done.

I have been working with Rike for over a year now. The work we do together is wide ranging and all sessions are facilitated through the framework of Internal Family Systems parts work. The expanse of groundedness, clarity, self acceptance and self love that I have cultivated through our work together can not be measured. It is enormous and ever expanding. Rike is gentle and direct, deeply intelligent and insightful, enabling me to see, connect with and understand my inner world more clearly than many years of therapy were ever been able to achieve. I believe that the framework of IFS combined with Rike’s unique energy and capacity makes working with her the most empowering self work I have ever done. I am eternally grateful for the ongoing work we do together.

Caitlin, Berlin

I could not have asked for a better human to help steer me towards success in the next phase of my journey. I have no doubt that I will value our time together for the rest of my life.

Rike provided impeccable coaching for so many areas in my life. I feel she went above and beyond each time we met to insure that we were addressing the most pertinent issues. I appreciated the suggestions, techniques, and “deep-dive” exercises used throughout the sessions.

I could not have asked for a better human to help steer me towards success in the next phase of my journey. I have no doubt that I will value our time together for the rest of my life.

Robert, Duluth

I truly recommend coaching with Rike to anyone who is ready to tap into their parts & learn to heal them through curiosity, love and compassion. Rike will hold the space you need for this.

Truly grateful for the coaching experience I had with Rike. Through her guidance, I was able to tap into and heal parts of me I didn’t even know existed, that influenced my present day actions and thoughts.

Before the coaching, I felt a bit lost. Like I couldn’t or didn’t have control over my life. Lots changed. Using our “northern star” and following my mantra, I can say with confidence that I’ve reached to become more like that version of me that I envisioned being at the beginning of the coaching. It is continuous work that needs to be done and the system will constantly have new parts coming through that need attention. But being aware of them, and taking care of the issues really really changed the way I view my thoughts for the better.

I truly recommend coaching with Rike to anyone who is ready to tap into their parts & learn to heal them through curiosity, love and compassion. Rike will hold the space you need for this.

Claudia, Dubai

I came away with some useful tools and techniques which meant that I was able to work on continuing my discoveries between sessions. My monkey mind has calmed down a lot and I have also made some peace in other areas of my life.

Before the sessions with Rike I was feeling overwhelmed and was painfully aware that I was standing in my own way of being successful in my job.

I have done similar work with parts in the past. But with Rike we managed to get to a deeper level and I was able to identify that some of my parts were working against me and trying to protect me by keeping me small and encouraging me to give up. Becoming friends with these different parts and understanding more of what they wanted from me allowed me seemed to quiet them down.

I came away with some useful tools and techniques which meant that I was able to work on continuing my discoveries between sessions. My monkey mind has calmed down a lot and I have also made some peace in other areas of my life.

Rike was incredible at holding a safe space for me allowing us to explore whatever came up. I would really recommend this style of coaching to anyone that has a busy mind that is looking to find calm.

Gemma, Dubai

Rike’s impact on my life has been immeasurable, and her guidance has left a lasting impression on my heart.

My experience with Rike has been truly transformative. During a period of uncertainty, her expertise and compassionate approach helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself.

Utilising the Internal Family Systems (IFS) framework, Rike’s insightful questions and gentle guidance allowed me to connect with my various internal parts and foster a sense of harmony and balance within myself.

Rike’s guidance extended beyond theory, enabling me to connect with my emotions and achieve equilibrium in my relationships. Her support empowered personal growth and the pursuit of becoming the best version of myself. Rike’s genuine warmth and dedication to making the world a better place were evident throughout our sessions, making me feel comfortable and grateful to be part of her journey.

In conclusion, Rike’s impact on my life has been immeasurable, and her guidance has left a lasting impression on my heart. I am forever grateful for our time together and eagerly look forward to the opportunity to work with Rike again in the future. Thank you, Rike, for your invaluable support and a life-changing experience that I can take with me and also teach my daughters. 

Bob, London

Accessing our deepest levels is always scary and requires a lot of courage, but I never felt alone or unsafe thanks to Rike’s guidance and support.

I really appreciate that Rike created the perfect way that works for me to approach my topics. The gentleness, and kindness that Rike puts into every session, never pushing, always reflecting back my thoughts, and especially never ever judging, and approaching my feelings in the most respectful and gentle way :))

I got so many resources and self-knowledge 🙂 New tools, new perspectives, self appreciation, new communication skills, the benefits are endless!

Accessing our deepest levels is always scary and requires a lot of courage, but I never felt alone or unsafe thanks to Rike’s guidance and support.

I’m so grateful for this experience ♥

Ari, Berlin

My sessions with Rike really helped me build on my self love, understanding, and acceptance.

I initially started because I felt like I needed to explore several aspects of who I am: my struggle with confidence, connecting with people, and being authentically me. My sessions with Rike really helped me build on my self love, understanding, and acceptance. I feel very confident in showing my most authentic self due to them. Our sessions have made me deepen my connection with my friends and loved ones and allowed me to give myself the grace that I need in certain situations.

I thought coaching was about getting ‘fixed’ but now that I understand it’s not about that I feel so much better about the outcome. Feel like instead I have come out with a better understanding and acceptance for myself and the willingness to always show myself grace and be kind to myself and others in their journey. I also learned that I can sit with myself and my feelings and try to analyze why I feel this way and know that it’s okay.

Rike is very kind and provides such a safe space for you to feel truly heard and supported. Thank you for everything!

Suzan, Dubai

I went from being quick to question my relationship to feeling like I can finally land in the love that is here for me.

Working with Rike for 6 months was such a worthwhile journey for me and my relationship. Rike is an incredible space holder and guide who supported me to gently go deeper into my experience and come out on the other side with profound insights and healing. I felt safe to go to places I had yet to go or share with others much before.

I went from being quick to question my relationship to feeling like I can finally land in the love that is here for me and also contribute more freely to co-creating the relationship my partner and I both desire. I have moved through so much fear of commitment and now find myself for the first time driving by wedding dress shops and being excited that I could be wearing one some near(ish) future. I am able to be present in my relationship, especially in the conflict without quickly going into survival mode.

Thank you dearest Rike!!

Allison, Sydney

I was able to connect to parts of me that I had been disconnected from for years, parts that were running the show of my life in the background without me even knowing, parts that were causing chaos, desperately seeking my attention.

When I first met Rike I got a sense from her that she could hold really powerful space. But I could never have imagined what was in store for me. I had 4 coaching sessions with Rike and in each session, I addressed some very deep long-lasting struggles, that I had been putting off addressing for a long time. It felt so easy and safe to bring these more intense and deeper struggles to Rike’s coaching container. They just flowed out of me, with an inner knowing that she could meet everything I had to bring with reverence, acceptance and deep wisdom. And wow – that she did!

I was able to connect to parts of me that I had been disconnected from for years, parts that were running the show of my life in the background without me even knowing, parts that were causing chaos, desperately seeking my attention. During each session I witnessed my struggling parts and intense emotions be transmuted by love and acceptance into strong and compassionate inner support systems, under Rike’s expert guidance.

I left Rike’s coaching container feeling so so proud of myself for doing such a deep level of inner work. With Rike’s guidance, I was able to fully and deeply explore my inner world in a way that I had never done before and this has brought some major shifts in my life.

Receiving coaching from Rike has allowed me to be more loving to myself, to feel more safe in my connections with others and to understand myself on such a deep level. I am able to show up in my relationships with a greater understanding of how I relate. In moments when I used to react from a triggered scared part of myself, I am now able to take a breath, hold myself with love and chose to express myself in a more authentic and loving way. And this understanding and self-compassion have brought so much peace and harmony to my connections.

I came to one of the sessions with a deep questioning, what is the true me? And the powerful inner truth that I received was: you can’t grow “away” from yourself, but only “into” yourself. And I can say that each and every session with Rike has fully supported me in growing more and more into myself. I have developed a connection to my SELF that feels so stable and supportive – a connection to my SELF that can guide me through every struggle and trigger in life with self-compassion and inner love.

I have so much gratitude for my time in Rike’s coaching container. Truly transformational.

Tori, Jerusalem

Rike completely changed my perspective on a judgement I’ve had since I was a child. I am so thankful and excited by my new way of seeing things

To say I’m shocked as to what Rike is able to uncover and help reframe in just one session is an understatement. Using “The Work” coaching tool by Byron Katie, Rike completely changed my perspective on a judgement I’ve had since I was a child. I am so thankful and excited by my new way of seeing things, I only wish I had done it sooner!

Ela, Dubai

Rike has wisdom and grace beyond her years and stands out from other therapists I have met as a person with true integrity and soul.

If you are looking for deep and powerful insights, great tools to access hidden aspects of your nature and behaviour, all held in a compassionate, safe container…I would highly recommend booking some coaching sessions with Rike. I benefitted hugely from my sessions, and made some lasting changes. I am celebrating the work we did together. Although there are several years difference in our ages, I always felt seen and understood. Rike has wisdom and grace beyond her years and stands out from other therapists I have met as a person with true integrity and soul.

Victoria, London

I always felt guided professionally and safely on the inner world journey.

Rike’s ability to use Internal Family Systems model for coaching is highly commendable. She is a compassionate and caring coach. I always felt guided professionally and safely on the inner world journeys. Every journey was transformative and revealed hidden beliefs or past luggage that got released in the most ecological and safe way.

Inna, Amsterdam

Rike is an exceptional coach who goes quite deep on issues that arise with clients.

I was able to get a much better sense of the different parts of me at play and how they interrelate and drive my overall thinking and emotions. I was also able to get some very practical advice for handling difficult situations. In my case she had me do several exercises that felt very challenging at first, but once I was able to relax into them were really able to address some very deep seated challenges.

Ilya, Berlin

The insights and learnings gained from this, along with the incredible emotional release, were truly remarkable. Rike always holds space for me, and I can’t recommend her enough.

What I like about being a client of Rike’s is that she has a really unique mix of techniques that she can use to bring the best out of me. In our latest session, she employed the work of Byron Katie, which, on the surface, seemed like she was asking me simple questions. However, the insights and learnings gained from this, along with the incredible emotional release, were truly remarkable. Rike always holds space for me, and I can’t recommend her enough. Her approach is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery.

G., Dubai

With Rike I explored, I laughed, I cried… And I always came out on the other side of each session with a wonderful sense of ease and wellbeing.

Rike radiates out an incredible sense of warmth, kindness and unconditional acceptance. You feel at ease with her and welcome right away. This makes it easy to open up and get to the core of even the most challenging, embarrassing or fear inducing issues. The deep and safe container allows for incredible insights! I often found myself stunned by the magical shifts that came up during our sessions. With Rike I explored, I laughed, I cried… And I always came out on the other side of each session with a wonderful sense of ease and wellbeing. Due to our work I understand myself better and better, what I need and how I can steer my life going forward. I am incredible thankful to have found Rike!

T., Munich

The process very well facilitated and I felt safe to be able to speak my mind.

My sessions with Rike were incredibly helpful. The process very well facilitated and I felt safe to be able to speak my mind. Rike was able to help me easily hone in on what my intentions were for our time together and was able to give me the tools necessary to guide me forward.

Nikki, Cape Town

I left our last session feeling more confident, stronger and goal oriented. Rike knows which questions to ask to uncover the feelings and emotions that may not have otherwise surfaced.

Rike went above and beyond to make me feel heard and comfortable. While I arrived at the first session a little apprehensive, and didn’t know what to expect, I left our last session feeling more confident, stronger and goal oriented. Rike knows which questions to ask to uncover the feelings and emotions that may not have otherwise surfaced. Very grateful for the special sessions with Rike, thank you!!

Danielle, Wellington

Couples Coaching Clients

She helped us to deepen our relationship and understand each other better.

Rike is sharp and loving and with this combination she creates a safe and beautiful space to explore. She helped us to deepen our relationship. Creating more awareness about our individual patterns, and therefore helping to understand each other better. Including the needs we have. 

Also by having weekly deepening sessions something just happens in your relationship, there is this extra focus, extra time investment in you as a couple which is beautiful in itself.

A relationship is a beautiful place to create a deeper transformation, and that is not always so simple to do by yourself. Rike is there to help and support you on the way! Such a gift to ourselves and each other!

Florian and Esmee, Netherlands

The ease and comfort she made us feel, made us open up and be able to work on difficult things in our relationship, get to know each other and ourselves better, in such a deep level, that we never wanna stop feeling it.

We were looking for a new perspective in our relationship and Rike was highly recommended by a woman I trust. So we decided to go for the intro call, thinking we would meet a therapist and this would be so hard to do. This could not be further from reality. It was instant chemistry and we clicked immediately with her super calm and light personality.

These sessions have shown how much care she puts in the preparation, her presence, almost as if we knew each other for years. The ease and comfort she made us feel, made us open up and be able to work on difficult things in our relationship, get to know each other and ourselves better, in such a deep level, that we never wanna stop feeling it.

Thanks to her professionalism and true kindness, adaptability to our needs, we’ve grown and learned how to reconnect in instants. If you’re out there looking for someone to mediate and that you can trust, have fun with, and exchange, Rike is absolutely your choice.

Constança and Francisco, Berlin

What we got most was several tools and techniques to help us communicate, connect and understand each other better. We also learned ways to grow intimacy and deepen our connection.

Our couple’s coaching experience with Rike has been a game changer for my partner and I.

Before we started, my partner and I were beginning a period of reconnection after a period of struggle and disconnection. We were happy to hear there was a coach who could help us with our communication + intimacy journey going forward.

What we got most was several tools and techniques to help us communicate, connect and understand each other better. We also learned ways to grow intimacy and deepen our connection. A lot of insights also came through which have helped us move forward together in the relationship with better understanding and a stronger foundation. I also felt that the coaching was a safe space to express needs and desires.

Not only is Rike so attuned and embodied in this field but she holds space in such a beautiful and compassionate way. There’s room for everything without judgement. Most importantly, we walked away with accessible tools that we feel empowered to used regularly to strengthen and deepen our relationship — from communication, to intimacy and more — and she held us accountable which made all the difference. Thank you for this beautiful experience! We will be back for more.

E. and M., Dubai

She really allowed us to feel the beauty of the relationship we have and how much love we have for one another.

The coaching was really transformative. We worked with Rike to improve our connection and communication. Throughout the sessions Rike helped us in navigating through difficult topics and gave us the space to see and have so much clarity in our relationship behaviors and patterns that were really insightful.

We learned new tools that we can adopt in our daily lives which really improved our communication and brought us much closer. I really appreciated the way Rike handled difficult conversations and how she held space so compassionately which helped us to express ourselves more openly without feeling judged in any way.

She really allowed us to feel the beauty of the relationship we have and how much love we have for one another. Nothing short than a perfect journey. Thank you Rike 🙏

L. and T., Dubai

I can recommend her coaching services to anyone looking to connect better with themselves and/or their partner.

5 sessions with Rike will transform you for good, trust me. We had intimacy coaching together with my partner and it turned out to be so much more than we expected. With Rike’s help, we both took an eye-opening deep dive into our relationship and communication mechanics. Rike has an incredible gift for creating a safe and compassionate space, even when the session is online. I can recommend her coaching services to anyone looking to connect better with themselves and/or their partner.

Heidi and Aidan, Berlin​

If you are seeking a professional who not only imparts valuable skills but also brings warmth and empathy to the process, Rike is the perfect choice. 

We are writing this testimonial with immense gratitude for the work done with Rike.

Rike has equipped us with specific easy-to-implement exercises that focus on creating emotional connection and intimacy, even in the most challenging moments. What sets Rike apart is not only her professional expertise but also the genuine care, love, and compassion she brings to her clients, making the coaching process less daunting, especially for those seeking relationship coaching for the first time.

In addition, Rike has great flexibility in scheduling. Despite our hectic lives, the booking process was straightforward and she seamlessly accommodated our needs, making the entire coaching process convenient and stress-free. This ensured that we felt supported and heard at all times.

We want to say a big thank you to Rike for her time, dedication, and the positive impact she has had on our lives. Rike’s resources, diverse techniques, and thoughtful philosophical approach have significantly enriched our partnership. We wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone experiencing challenges related to communication or relationships; if you are seeking a professional who not only imparts valuable skills but also brings warmth and empathy to the process, Rike is the perfect choice. 

Becca and David, Paris

Our love has never been stronger.

Rike’s superpower in relationships comes from a blend of broad theoretical knowledge, deep experiential work and her natural and easeful innate wisdom in this area. This blends into a loving and yet very effective coaching process that allowed my partner and I to move through years of relationship deepening and growth in weeks. Our love has never been stronger.

N. and R., Dubai

We got into topics and insights that we couldn’t have reached without the guidance of Rike.

Rike creates such a supportive space to explore relationships. We were lucky to receive the session as an engagement gift and started from a good foundation as a couple but we got into topics and insights that we couldn’t have reached without the guidance of Rike. She asks insightful questions that helped us to create habits and new ways to appreciate each other that really grew our relationship.

Rike’s warmth is so strong even through a screen. Her nature was just very calming and supportive. It was wonderful to have a space to speak openly and have the support of an external person who had a lot of insight and reflections to share. It never felt forced so having the space in general was most appreciated and having the prompts from Rike to dive a bit deeper.

We really treasured our time together and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to deepen their relationship.

Faith and Sam, London


I’d highly recommend this workshop to everyone looking for a deeper connection with themselves and with others.

I was lucky enough to be a part of the last workshop and I am a changed person since! All the way from how I view myself and my body to how I interact with people on a daily basis and of course it’s translated into my intimate life as well. I’d highly recommend this workshop to everyone looking for a deeper connection with themselves and with others.

D., Dubai

It gave me the opportunity to truly connect with myself and to feel authentically ME.

Your loving energy and calming, nurturing presence allowed us to feel safe and loved. The workshop was a beautiful blend of powerful feminine energies coming together in a safe environment where everyone held the space, unconditionally, for all to express, experience, receive and to explore aspects of ourselves that we may not normally feel comfortable dealing with.

It gave me the opportunity to truly connect with myself and to feel authentically ME. Thanks again for the beautiful retreat and your love and guidance.

Helga, Dubai

I was constantly pushed out of my comfort zone but all in a very safe, nurturing space and the growth that has come from this sacred work is phenomenal.

I have done various workshops over the years and must say the depth of the work in the Conscious Intimacy workshop with Rike is on another level. The work has flowed through into my personal life with clients, with friends but most of all with my children – the presence I now feel in life is such a gift. I was constantly pushed out of my comfort zone but all in a very safe, nurturing space and the growth that has come from this sacred work is phenomenal. I highly highly recommend this workshop but mostly Rike as her ability to hold space and deliver information is magical. Much love!

J., Dubai

After this workshop it’s like you suddenly have this inner warrior and girlfriend.

Before this workshop with Rike, I had a sense there was a power that needed to be tapped into – but had no idea where to even start with building a relationship to it. It felt completely disconnected. After this workshop it’s like you suddenly have this inner warrior and girlfriend. A powerful reminder and guide back to your power.

Hayley, Dubai

I greatly recommend this retreat for ladies of all ages, charging in different walks of life. It is amazing how generations are interdependent as we all left the magical room having learnt from each other

Thank you Rike and Janelle for a great retreat. The activities are profound and can be repeated regularly to sustain our souls in their growth journey when alone. The group energy is essential to ignite the energy when starting a new self-care practice … then we sail in our own ways. Once in a while we will definitely need to come together again in a women’s circle, a safe space to share, connect and learn from each other.

I greatly recommend this retreat for ladies of all ages, charging in different walks of life. It is amazing how generations are interdependent as we all left the magical room having learnt from each other… we had energies of young explorers adventurous warriors, working professionals, and wise mothers.

It is a dream come true to me to have this in Abu Dhabi for the first time… with many more to come. 🌸💖🌸

Dina, Abu Dhabi

I feel completely different now – peaceful, calm and ready for anything!

The retreat was an opportunity to take time for myself away from work and family, to relax and reboot with a wonderful group of women. I feel completely different now – peaceful, calm and ready for anything! Thank you Rike and Janelle for creating this beautiful, welcoming space and for your encouragement to shed some more layers and try new experiences.

Clare, Dubai

I experienced a stronger connection to my womb and feminine energy – a bridge now built to continue to building and nurturing that connection.

What I loved most about the workshop were all the practices and practical elements that you offered us, to connect to our bodies – these are practices I feel I can easily come back to when I need. It’s also always powerful to be in the company of women. I experienced a stronger connection to my womb and feminine energy – a bridge now built to continue to building and nurturing that connection. A lot of was illuminated about myself – parts of me that needed to come through and speak to me, for which I’m also grateful.

D., Dubai

I loved having a safe space to explore and learn some tools to navigate and partner with my body. I really enjoyed the feminine energy and being part of the early stages of exploring these deeply charged subjects and gifts we all have, within a safe container.

Leila, Dubai

I loved being with other open minded women that I could relate to around connectivity and not feeling alone in my connective struggle. The meditations and different exercises were also fantastic.


Jenny, Dubai

Rike and the ANYMAN’s Pathway to Intimacy workshop was a wonderful exploration into connecting with myself, allowing me to be completely honest with myself in relation to my intimate needs and behaviours. I look forward to exploring this work deeper and with my partner.

C., Dubai

I will be forever grateful for the wisdom that Rike embodies. Her energy towards intimacy is beyond words. She is an inspiration for any being that wants to realize their own inner light and love! Going through this workshop will allow you to truly go deep within and understand your own experiential knowledge. Love & gratitude.


M., Dubai

This was an incredible workshop, I’m so happy I cancelled everything to come to it, I needed it more than I knew. Definitely down for the next one! Thank you!

D., Dubai

Being in your energy space is really awesome and loved the way you guided me and helped me to explore my own self and the feelings and emotions.

M., Dubai

Business Workshops

Rike’s workshop series surpassed expectations. The sessions were not only engaging and productive but also interactive, creating an environment of open dialogue.

Rike is an exceptional coach and facilitator who has led a series of workshops on (1) developing healthy boundaries, (2) emotional intelligence, (3) conscious communication tools and (4) conflict resolution, for our team at Argentum Law.

Rike’s workshop series surpassed expectations. The sessions were not only engaging and productive but also interactive, creating an environment of open dialogue.  Through these workshops, Rike equipped our lawyers with an arsenal of practical tools and techniques, helping them to navigate various personal and work challenges. The transformative impact was evident as team members reported incorporating these tools into their everyday lives, leading to significant improvements in their overall well-being and performance.

Rike’s outstanding coaching skills, methodical approach, combined with a genuine passion for creating connection, were a very powerful combination. The workshop series has elevated our team’s collective mindset and fostered a supportive culture within our firm.

We wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking to organise a transformative and rejuvenating activity for their team members.

Rike guided us through multiple group discussions that focused on seemingly complex themes like connectivity and mindfulness, with such sensitivity and kindness, that she immediately put everyone at ease.

She manged to keep the session interesting with movements and by occasionally encouraged us to work in smaller groups. The formation of smaller groups really changed the dynamics and created an intimate safe space where even the shyest of individuals amongst us felt comfortable enough to open up and share freely.

As a result, the entire group felt a greater sense of togetherness and tranquillity after her session. We wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking to organise a transformative and rejuvenating activity for their team members.

Shingirai Junerose Chiwera | Wellness Coordinator, KEF Holdings, Dubai

What I love to highlight about Rike is how she, with her practical communication style, helps break down difficult topics and helps people come together and feel at ease – because this is her nature, joyful and easeful.

The first time I met Rike, I knew she would be a lovely addition to the Paus; community of moderators and workshop facilitators. Her energy is very welcoming and wise without a tinge of “I know everything there is to know,” and she approaches workshop topics brainstorming and programming with curiosity and catering to the audience she is working with, gladly asking the questions that help build an outline that is both of depths and accessible – which is very important in the wellness community.

Having done several company workshops around communication and connection, her vast experience reflects in her body of work. What I love to highlight about Rike is how she, with her practical communication style, helps break down difficult topics and helps people come together and feel at ease – because this is her nature, joyful and easeful.

Love working with her, even on a personal note, she extends her knowledge when she can to be able to help out. We’ll be happy to book again and learn more from her.

Rosan Reodica | Creative Brand and Content Strategist, Paus; Café + Community, Dubai


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